Saturday, 28 January 2012

Goa Beckons

Had enough of this cold weather , India for 2 weeks , Birds , more birds, lovely food & the sun on my back ! A few pics when i get back.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Saw me at Strumble for a short while with hardly anything happening. Flagpoles was much the same with just 1 Great Crested Grebe present , that was Monday i think.Had a Grey Wagtail at work on the roof of the shed yesterday. All in all seems to be pretty quiet around here.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Saturday, 21 January 2012

A quick stumble around Strumble

Too windy for any land birds to be showing so had a short look out to sea from the old coastguards.Then when i returned to the car had a quick look from there.

Red Throated Diver - 2
Common Scoter - 1 (m)
Quite a few auks passing in small flocks.
Could be good for a longer session tomorrow.


Up to 6 birds coming to the feeders this morning.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Goodwick Moor (Too late )

No birds but a nice sunset.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

No Swans but Tystie saves the day

A look for the 4 Whoopers at St. Nicholas drew an empty field this morning & on the way back from work at 2p.m.
The customary walk at the flagpoles at Fishguard Harbour found the Ad.Med Gull still around (got a pic this time) & a suprising fly over Canada Goose (Patch Year Tick).
Just about to leave when a text from KRM told of 2 Black Guillemots on the Port side of the harbour. Port as in where the ferry goes & not the left side although it is the left side looking from the parrog ! Anyway a quick dash up to the crane found the 2 Tysties , 1 in summer & 1 in winter plumage.Another patch year tick.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Whoopers then Fishguard Harbour

I checked the field with the 3 Whooper Swans at St. Nicholas on the way home from work & found them still present.
Then a brief look at Fishguard Harbour from the flagpoles car park , just the usual small no's of the more commoner gulls & a sgl Adult Med. Gull loafing on the water too far out for a pic unfortunately.
No additions to the patch yearlist which still stands at a measly 71.
A 6 day stint at work this week but i can already feel a trip to Strumble on Sunday coming on.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

For those that didn't know...

Strumble Head is at the tip of the Pen Caer peninsula about 5 miles west of Fishguard.It has a very nice & photogenic lighthouse & is part of the famous Pembs Coast Path.
More importantly it has a World War 2 lookout which is now used as a observation point for logging the passage of migrating seabirds that pass up & down the west coast of Wales throughout the year , principally in autumn.
The purpose of this site is to report any daily count of birds seen passing the lookout.
Various Cetaceans & other interesting animals & large fish pass by , these will be reported as well.
The " Other stuff " , Any interesting local Fishguard birding & stuff from any trips abroad.