Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Flagpoles 16.00ish 31st Oct.

2 Adult Meds, 2 2nd W Meds & an ever increasing count of Common Gulls.
A walk around Goodwick Moor produced only a small flock of Blue & Long Tailed Tits with a couple of crests, 2 Moorhens by the road bridge.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Pen Anglas 29th Oct.

Not anywhere near the amount of birds moving as there were at Strumble this morning ( see Pembs blog ), A few Blackbirds, Goldcrests, Reed Buntings & a Woodcock ( species no. 142 for Fishguard area list 2012 ) flushed by the derelict building with the murals.

Strumble Head 29th Oct.

Time: 07.00 - 09.00
Weather: Overcast
Wind: SW 1/2

Wigeon - 4
Teal - 5
Common Scoter - 10 ( all males )
Red Throated Diver - 1
Mediterranean Gull - 1 ( 1st W )

Very few Porpoises showing.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Tresinwen - Rose Coloured Starling (28 Oct 12)

While putting up the bird feeders in the garden I heard a big flock of Starlings feeding in the field behind the house.

On closer inspection there were about 1,000 Starlings feeding very noisily and in with them a 1st Win Rose Coloured Starling.  Flock very mobile feeding in any of the fields around the house and at one point beyond the pond at Bronmor with the Rosy and others roosting in the trees in the garden temporarily.

Watched from 1330 to 1350 when a wet Sparrowhawk flushed the flock which then flew over my house and in the direction of the camping field.  I will take another look if this rain stops.  (If !)

Tresinwen & Strumble (28 Oct 12)

Time: 0700 - 1100
Weather: Cloudy.
Wind: WNW (F6)

Leach's Petrel - 1
Common Scoter - 39 (21F, 18M)
Mediterranean Gull - 3 (1 Ad, 2 1st W)
Puffin - 1
Merlin - 2
Teal - 7
Snipe - 5

As for commoner species - 10 Gannets, 1 Fulmar and 2 Manxies.  3 figure counts each of Kittiwake and Black Headed Gull. 

Following the large passage of Little Auks yesterday (and today) on the east coast from Scotland to Kent I was reasonably optimistic of finding one at Strumble.  The Puffin got the pulse going but was definitely a Puffin!

Common Porpoise - showing quite well in reasonable numbers.

Notable abundance of Blackbirds and a few Song Thrushes on the drive between the house and the lookout.  Back in the garden a few Goldcrests and a Mistle Thrush.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Strumble Head 20th Oct.

Time: 13.45 - 14.30
Weather: Bright Sunny
Wind: SW 2/3

Common Scoter - 15 (1f )
Mediterranean Gull - 2 ( Ad & 1st w )
BONAPARTES GULL - Adult still showing in feeding flocks.

Lapland Bunting flushed from just North of the lookout.

Many Thanks to Paul Grennard for the sightings.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Strumble Head ( Bonapartes ) & Fishguard Harbour 19th Oct.

On arriving at Strumble it was evident there were many gulls, the majority Black Headed feeding in a very close tide race no more than 200m offshore. "You never know ", i thought to myself. Within approx. 5 minutes i picked up the Adult Bonapartes Gull in the flock , had good views of the clean white underwing & even it's pale pink legs on a couple of occasions as it dip fed. News out & DJA & PKG made it up to Strumble picking up the bird on the sea on the far side of Mackeral Rock with reasonable views of it's black beak, head pattern & upperpart colouring obtained.

A trip round to Fishguard Harbour was next as the birds were leaving Strumble in that direction. No "Bonies" but the Ad. Little Gull, 3 Ad. Meds, Great Crested Grebe & 7 Pale Bellied Brents. 

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Strumble Head 16th Oct. ( Bonapartes Gull ! )

Time: 09.00 - 11.30
Weather: Bright , Sunny
Wind: WNW 6/7 decreasing.

Common Scoter - 26 ( 1f )
Manx Shearwater - Still passing in small no's
Grey Plover - 1
Arctic Skua - 2 ( 1 Pale , 1 dark )
Long Tailed Skua - 1 ( Juv )
Bonxie - 2
Med. Gull - 1 ( AD )
Little Gull - 1 ( 1st W )
Commic Tern - 2

Risso's Dolphin - 1

The Bonapartes Gull was picked up at approx. 10 a.m. by Red Liford, feeding at about tide race distance with a group of Kittiwakes. The two other observers ( Myself & Clive Hurford ) soon got on to the bird which was then present for another 20+ minutes until a Bonxie moved through. A short time later the flock re-formed slightly more distant & the bird was present again for a short time.

Pen Anglas 15th Oct,

A quick very uncomfortable wet walk late afternoon didn't turn up much except a group of 12 Pale Bellied Brent Geese flying West close in.

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Took a pic of this at work yesterday. Hopefully someone can ID it for me.

A Common Darter , Thanks PKG. ( I thought it was but the colour threw me. ) 

Friday, 12 October 2012

Strumble Head 12th Oct.

Time:0715 - 12.15
Wind:WNW 5

Brent Goose - 3 ( Light Bellied )
Common Scoter - 12 (1f)
Red Throated Diver - 2
Manx Shearwater - 1
Balearic Shearwater - 1
Golden Plover - 2
Dunlin - 10
Grey Phalarope - 1
Pomarine Skua - 4 ( All Pale )
Arctic Skua - 2
Bonxie - 4
Little Gull - 4 ( 2 Ad, 2 1st W )
Med. Gull - 4 ( 1 Ad, 3 1st W )
Arctic Tern - 3

Many Thanks to Richard Davies for the records , it's still worth going  !!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Jackdaws Fishguard

As with other years at this time the skies over Fishguard see's huge flocks of Jackdaws with a few other Crows mixed in. In this picture there's approx 150 , which makes the total number in the widespread flock in the region of 500+.

Strumble Head / Garn Fawr 9th Oct.

Quite a few birds present, 5 Wheatears, Mipits & Swallows going through. Hi-lights at Strumble a Merlin & a Short Eared Owl in off the sea which carried on West. Garn Fawr quiet except for a very pale faced Buzzard.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Lapland Buntings

2 Lapland Buntings with Meadow Pipits on the heather area at Pen Anglas this morning,other birds included 3 Swallows,2 Snipe,the Goldfinch flock has increased to 100+ and 25 Common Scoter heading west off shore.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Pen Anglas

A single fly over Golden Plover and quite late Whimbrel this morning ,Skylark numbers have increased with 60+ birds present,a flock of 80+ Goldfinch feeding on thistle heads.
Yesterday near Jordanston  single Willow Tit,Water Rail and Blackcap.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Bottle-nosed Dolphins

At least six Bottle-nosed Dolphins feeding off Fishguard Fort this morning they were just inside the outer breakwater.
There was a single Common Scoter in the harbour yesterday.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Strumble 3rd Oct.

Myself, Elvyn & Sebastian.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Strumble Head 3rd Oct.

Time:07.30 - 13.30
Wind: W3/4

Common Scoter - 13 (1f)
Red Throated Diver - 1 ( Summer Plumage )
Sooty Shearwater - 1
Balearic Shearwater - 3
Dunlin - 4
Arctic Skua - 2 ( Both Pale )
Long Tailed Skua - 1 ( Juv )
Sandwich Tern - 18
Common Tern - 2

Many Thanks to Paul Grennard for the totals after 09.30.

When myself & Elfyn Pugh arrived at the lookout there was someone asleep in the corner, when he woke up he introduced himself. His name was Christian & he is walking around the British Coastline & sleeping rough while he does for charity ( Help for Heroes , he's ex military ). He took a picture of his mascot Sebastian the Crab from a childrens film , looking through my scope. He commented that those of us that get up & go down to the freezing cold lookout & stare out to sea were " Madder than he is !" You can follow his progress on Christian Walking Britian on Facebook.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Flagpoles - Little Gull 2nd Oct.

An Ad. Winter with the other gulls.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Strumble Head 1st Oct.

Time: 07.00 - 12.00
Weather: Showers & squalls
Wind: WSW4 then SW4

Common Scoter - 14 ( All Male )
Red Throated Diver - 2 ( Both summer plumage )
Sooty Shearwater - 1
Balearic Shearwater - 2
Arctic Skua - 6 ( 1 pale , 4 dark , 1 Juv )
Bonxie - 5
Little Gull - 1 ( Ad winter )
Arctic tern - 1
Commic Tern - 1

100's of Swallows migrating South , 20 porpoise.

Many Thanks to Richard Davies for the days report.