Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Honey Buzzard

My attention was drawn to a raptor flying over at Llanychaer this afternoon being chased by Herring Gulls. I quickly grabbed my binoculars from indoors it was a Honey Buzzard. It headed off in a South Easterly direction still being pursed by the Gulls.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Poplar Hawkmoth

Two of the four Poplar Hawkmoths from my moth trap last night.
A Hummingbird Hawkmoth in the garden today.

Ferry Trip.

Many Thanks to Laura & Rens for their fantastic work with the Seatrust this year. Culminated by Saturday's Dolphin Day Event. Sometime's Luckily Teams put together just work, no disrespect to previous but best yet I think.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Ferry Trip 24th June.

As reported on Whales In Wales, see Link. A great trip for both Dolphins & Seabirds.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Shearwater Art.

Been a bit tied up recently what with one thing & another. Lovely images Ken, your understanding of the aesthetic goes beyond just capturing the shots. Thanks very much. 

Manx photos

Fantastic photos Ken.

Sheerwater Art

On a cetacean survey this past Sunday aboard the Stena Europe the Sheerwaters were all over and later in the evening on the return trip were heading back towards St Brides bay. Still water on the crossing allowed for some stunning reflective shots as they skimmed along.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Late or early?

This whimbrel may still be heading North or perhaps has failed to find a mate and is on its way back south. Either way it was on the breakwater on Saturday!

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Willow Tit

A nice add on for my local list this afternoon a Willow Tit in the garden,the nearest I have seen one to here in recent years is Rosebush.
This morning at Pen Anglas 2 Small pearl boarded Fritillaries,and a singles Bottle nosed Dolphin in the bay,quite bird wise.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Screaming swifts start the day!

An early start on the outer breakwater produced no cetaceans but as I sat searching the sea, I heard swifts screaming above. Six of them were drifting along in the south westerly breeze. I am sure our swift numbers have  noticeably dropped in recent years. I think all in all they are my favorites so it was nice to see and particularly hear them.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

A diver perhaps

Hi Adrian.  Spotted this one quite a way out off the lookout the other day. Much bigger than the razors and gillies around and about but unusual to see a diver this late on "I think" but I may be wrong as you know how much I know about this sort of thing. An ID if you can please.

A 2nd Year Gannet is my best guess. 

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Strumble Head 6th June 2017.

Time: 16.30 - 18.30
Weather: Bright
Wind: W 4/5

Storm Petrel - 3
Bonxie - 2
Puffin - 7

Good numbers of the common species including 1000's of Manxies.

Porpoises present but difficult to see.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Its Summer they are fledged!

My bluetits have fledged, love it!