Seen from my bed viewing over the valley a goshawk sky-dancing over Adrian's woodland!
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Friday, 23 February 2018
Strumble bits
Another cold but reasonably calm day at Strumble! This was one of a pair of Chough that skirted the cliffs calling and giving advance warning so I could catch it flying by.
Yesterday Chiara and Anouska, Research Assistants with Swansea Uni' were searching for seals we sent them round the corner to "Seal Bay". They lucked out on seals but lucked in on this Otter!
Thanks for the pic's ladies!
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Woodcock & Bat
Seven Woodcock from the dining room window earlier & a medium sized Bat, not a Pipistrelle.
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Black-throated Diver and Firecrests.
This morning off of Fishguard Fort a Black-throated Diver (Karen R M and myself).
This afternoon a Whiskered Bat(or Brandt's) flying around my garden area for about an hour,then in the woods at Llanychaer 2 Firecrest together.
This afternoon a Whiskered Bat(or Brandt's) flying around my garden area for about an hour,then in the woods at Llanychaer 2 Firecrest together.
Friday, 16 February 2018
Northern Breakwater 16/02/2018
On a trip to the breakwater this early afternoon I spotted these two Ringed Plover along with two Purple Sandpipers. On leaving I spotted a group of gulls circling over this Cormorant that was having a hard time with a rather large meal. It struggled for ages trying to swallow it and had to spit it out and rest several times. It did get it in eventually but it was too long to go in completely and it swam away very low in the water with the tail still sticking out of it's mouth.
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Not a bird but it likes my bird table!
This young vixen first found some food on the bird-table a few weeks ago,since then I have been feeding her kitchen scraps and dog food It actually stares in through the window and seems not to be bothered by my presence!
Monday, 12 February 2018
Great Crested Grebes
6 Great Crested Grebes on the Ocean Lab side of Fishguard Harbour this morning.
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
Strumble Diver
With my limited knowledge I think I can safely say this is a Red throated diver. This one was close in below the Strumble lookout.
Monday, 5 February 2018
Bits and pieces
A woodcock feeding in the mud on the side of our lane on the entrance to Cott's Cottage illuminated in my headlights was pleasant a couple of nights ago. A Purple Sandpiper on the green Breakwater was horribly furtive so no pic' Probably the oddest wildlife sighting was a Hedgehog crossing the road at the bottom of our lane just off the main St Davids Road. It looked quite large and scooted into a garden, my first ever live hedgehog sighting in Wales!
Thursday, 1 February 2018
Strumble & Harbour 1st Feb.
Nothing offshore at Strumble in the conditions, the sea doing a very good impression of a washing machine. In the fields back from the head probably a couple of hundred Redwing & Starlings which wouldn't stay still & then I saw the reason, a large Accipter sitting on the hedge watching them very closely, I think Sparrowhawk rather than Goshawk but didn't get a chance to nail it.
At the harbour 2 Adult Med Gulls & a fair amount of Common Gulls in the roost. Two Great crested Grebe on sea, survival time though I think watching them less than 10 minutes !
At the harbour 2 Adult Med Gulls & a fair amount of Common Gulls in the roost. Two Great crested Grebe on sea, survival time though I think watching them less than 10 minutes !