Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Still there!

We saw an adult Black Guillemot fly out of Fishguard Harbour heading east...

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Strumble Head 28th July.

Time: 06.00 - 14.00
Weather: Cloudy then Brightened up.
Wind: NW 5/6

Common Scoter - 19 ( 14 Males )
Dunlin - 10
Whimbrel - 20
Curlew - 1
Pomarine Skua - 4 ( All Pale Phase Immatures, 3 with developed spoons )
Bonxie - 2
Mediterranean Gull - 5 ( 1 adult, 4 Juv )
Sandwich Tern - 4
Arctic Tern - 1 ( Juv )
Puffin - 39

Porpoises showing early on.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Strumble Head 27th July.

Time: 05.30 - 11.55
Wind: W4 increasing to Gale Force 8

Arctic Skua - 1 ( Pale Phase )
Bonxie - 1
Puffin - 20

Many Thanks to Richard Davies for the totals.

Green Sandpipers

2 Green Sandpipers on the pond at Llanychaer this morning

Saturday, 25 July 2015


A juv Goshawk past through Llanychaer being mobbed by several Carrion Crows,it was heading up the Gwaun Valley.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Privet Hawkmoth

A Privet Hawkmoth was a nice find in the garden.
Fishguard Harbour 1 juv and 1 1st summer Mediterranean Gull this morning

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Strumble Head 21st July.

Time: 06.15 - 08.15
Weather: Overcast
Wind: SW 4 increasing

Puffin - 8

Porpoises showing off & on.

Thought it would be a bit better, but plenty of commoner species.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Strumble Head (19 Jul 15)

Time: 0515 - 0915
Weather: Heavy rain at first then clear and sunny.
Wind: SW (F7) early then NW (F5)
Cory's Shearwater - 1 (0535) - Mid range cutting the corner.
Great Shearwater - 1 (0550) - Long range with Manxies then dropped into feeding flock.
Sooty Shearwater - 1 (0645) - Close tide race.
Mediterranean Gull - 4 (1st sum)
Black Guillemot - 1 (0707)
Common Scoter - 21 (20M, 1F)
Bar Tailed Godwit - 1
Sanderling - 3
Turnstone - 4
Dunlin - 11

Lots of Puffin and Kittiwake.  Only a few Porpoise sightings.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Med Gull at Strumble

There was an adult med gull in summer plumage at Strumble this afternoon.

Wader migration...

Yesterday (Tuesday) whilst having a look around the Fishguard outer breakwater we flushed four Redshank five Curlew and seven Whimbrel, probably blown in by the northerly winds...

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Silver Washed Fritillary

A Silver Washed Fritillary at Llanychaer this afternoon.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Fishguard Bay Med Gulls

Over the past couple of weeks a mixed bunch of Med Gulls have been hanging around feeding on small fish...

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Chough family at Strumble yesterday...

A young couple pointed out this family of Choughs as I made my way down to the lookout at Strumble yesterday early evening. The youngsters looked pretty newly fledged and being fed by the adults. I only got a moment before what appeared to be the family of four took flight but at least I got a couple of record shots. 

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Not exactly a sea bird but very close...

Sadly this juvenile Goldcrest must have left the nest too early , Beth found it near the Ocean Lab today we hear them a lot throughout the year they seem to like the mixture of tree planting here particularly the pines...

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Strumble Head 8th July.

Time: 10.45 - 13.45
Weather: cloudy, Rain at times then brightened.
Wind: NW 5

Great Shearwater - 1 ( @ 11.08 came through at approx. 200 metres with a line of Manx )
Puffin - 3

Porpoises seen on & off mostly following incoming tide.
Hundreds of Manx Shearwaters. 

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Strumble Head 7th July.

Time: 11.00 - 12.00
Weather: Bright & Sunny
Wind: SW 4

Arctic Skua - 1 ( Dark Phase )
Mediterranean Gull - 1 ( Adult )
Puffin - 2

Plenty of Manxies through in the hour.
Porpoises showing on & off.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Goodwick 5th July.

A Spotted Flycatcher in the same place as a few weeks ago so likely on territory in a very suitable area. Seen feeding actively over a small stream that borders a horse paddock.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Common Sandpipers

At least two Common Sandpiper present around pond at Llanychaer tonight.