Time: 15.15 - 17.15
Weather: Bright & Sunny
Wind: SW 3/4 ( Very slight WSW for a short time)
Sandwich Tern - 2
Arctic Tern - 2
Black Tern - 1
Roseate Tern - 3
Big no's of kittiwakes feeding.
1st Sum Little Gull seen at Flagpoles late afternoon.( Roger Ruston ).
15 Redshanks Flagpoles 18.00
Weather: Bright & Sunny
Wind: SW 3/4 ( Very slight WSW for a short time)
Sandwich Tern - 2
Arctic Tern - 2
Black Tern - 1
Roseate Tern - 3
Big no's of kittiwakes feeding.
1st Sum Little Gull seen at Flagpoles late afternoon.( Roger Ruston ).
15 Redshanks Flagpoles 18.00