Time: 13.45 - 14.30
Weather: Bright Sunny
Wind: SW 2/3
Common Scoter - 15 (1f )
Mediterranean Gull - 2 ( Ad & 1st w )
BONAPARTES GULL - Adult still showing in feeding flocks.
Lapland Bunting flushed from just North of the lookout.
Many Thanks to Paul Grennard for the sightings.
Weather: Bright Sunny
Wind: SW 2/3
Common Scoter - 15 (1f )
Mediterranean Gull - 2 ( Ad & 1st w )
BONAPARTES GULL - Adult still showing in feeding flocks.
Lapland Bunting flushed from just North of the lookout.
Many Thanks to Paul Grennard for the sightings.