Time: 06.30 - 11.30
Weather: Overcast with Drizzle
Wind: SSW 1
Common Scoter - 144 ( 101 Males )
Dunlin - 8
Turnstone - 4
Mediterranaen Gull - 2 ( 1 Ad, 1 Juv )
'Commic Tern' - 1
Puffin - 9
Porpoises showing well & quite close in.
Weather: Overcast with Drizzle
Wind: SSW 1
Common Scoter - 144 ( 101 Males )
Dunlin - 8
Turnstone - 4
Mediterranaen Gull - 2 ( 1 Ad, 1 Juv )
'Commic Tern' - 1
Puffin - 9
Porpoises showing well & quite close in.