Time: 0645 - 1500
Weather: Dry, cloudy.
Wind: S (F2)
Great Skua - 2
Arctic Skua - 15 (3P, 12D)
Pomarine Skua - 1 (J)
Mediterranean Gull - 2 (1stW)
Sandwich Tern - 43
Comic Tern - 1
Common Scoter - 91 (10F, 81M)
Teal - 6
Wigeon - 8
Red Throated Diver - 1
Curlew - 1
Turnstone - 3
Dunlin - 5
Ruff - 1
Common Porpoise - showing very well.
Common Dolphin - Pods of 5, 10 and 40. The large pod showing for well over an hour.
Risso's Dolphin - a single large animal and a pod of 5 with at least one small calf.
Of note Swallows coming in off sea all day from 0800. I think Ireland must now be empty!