Time: 0600 - 1500
Weather: Sunny
Wind: NNW (F3) am, SW (F3) pm
Cory's Shearwater - 1 (0705)
Great Shearwater - 2 (0655, 0810) *
Balearic Shearwater - 1
Long Tailed Skua - 1 (Juv)
Pomarine Skua - 2 (Juv)
Arctic Skua - 18 (11D, 4P, 3Juv)
Great Skua - 3
Mediterranean Gull - 1 (1stW)
Little Gull - 1 (1stW)
Comic Tern - 10
Black Tern - 2
Sandwich Tern - 75
Common Scoter - 15 (3F, 12M)
Whimbrel - 10
Curlew - 1
Yellow Wagtail - 3 (In off sea)
Wheatear - 1
Sparrowhawk - 1
Sunfish - 2
Risso's Dolphin - 3 different groups - 1, 8 and 2. The larger group showing for over 2 hours with regular breaching (including a sequence of ten consecutive breaches by one individual.) Lots of splashing and tail slapping also.
* The 0655 Great was found by an Arctic Skua! We were following an Arctic Skua when it dropped onto something on the deck. It then got up and circled around and then dive bombed whatever was on the deck........then a Great Shear got up and tried to fly off but was mobbed by the Skua and had to ditch. The Skua then gave up and flew off and the Great got up again flew 10-15 yards then landed and wasn't seen subsequently. How many more were out there floating past???